Light up a life
Alison Wilson
Aillson wilson
Bette & Joan Plunkett
Sabine Burdeyron-Dyster
Lesleyann Macdonald
Michael Gourlay
Alex Kennedy
Gerry Mcskeane
Cathy Curran
Gerry mcskeane
Catherine sneddon
Catherine ludbrook
Louise Lambert
Una and Tom Faulds
Anthony OConnor
Rab Howie
Ian Murray
Reg McKay
Ian Picken
David McFarlane
Ian Murray
Linda Gibson Currie
Maggie White
Gerry mcskeane
John & Pat Carey
George Irvine
Isobel Brown
Sam Brown
Cherry Briggs
Georgina Briggs
Cherry Buchanan Briggs
Billy & Betty Traquair
Betty & Billy Traquair
Ian Murray
Ian Murray
Ian Murray
Gordon Lethorn
Margaret Devine
Patricia Devine
John Devine
John Morrow
Gordon Holland
Betty & John Proud
Jenna McKernan
James goodwin
Tommy Williams
Malcolm and Gillian Baker
Gil & Jean Hendry
Alexander Hendry
Alan Lacey
Ivy Wilkie
Con de Lange
Grace & Gordon Kerr
Fiona Walker
John Macaskill
Freda Johnstone
Agnes Brown
Irvine Brown
Jim Miller
Nan Miller
Roddy Morrison
Stacey Wallace
Paul O'Hara
Con de Lange
Adam Macaulay
Adam Macaulay
Sharon Morris
Jim Goodwin
Elizabeth Nicol
June Murray
Douglas Donnell
Mary Eason
Kenneth Eason
Kenneth Eason
Paul McNaughton
John Evans
Agnes and Pat
Bobbie O'Donnell
Agnes Graham
Margo Conroy
Rea & Billy Stevenson
John O’Rourke
Robert Logan
Jim Goodwin
Mary Eason
Kenneth Eason
Adam Macaulay
Nick Williams
Jim Goodwin
Giovanni Carboni
Sadie & Bill Boyd
Bill Henderson
Ann Marie & Charlie Fletcher
Tommy and Michael McNamara
Dan and Evelyne baxter
Bill baxter
Jean Copland
John baxter
David and Cathy Clark
Jimmy & Isa Booth
Jimmy & Isa Booth
Jim Davidson
Stacey wallace
Stacey Wallace
Jean Nicholson
Alison Fulton
Carol Forsyth
Nan McDonald
Gary Campbell
Fulton & Effie Love
Jamie Tainsh
Johnny Smith
Matt Smith
McCue Family
May and Billy Watson
Elaine Furze
Kenny Pointon
Ann Irvine
Lyndsay Irvine
Iris Watson
William Doherty
Raymond McCue
Allan mclean
Allan mclean
Janette Perrie (Paterson)
Nan Paterson
Alex & Nancy Todd
John McCall
Gerry Holmes
Gerry Holmes
Blair Barclay
Sadie McCulloch
Edith McKissock
Margaret Taylor
Maureen and Eddie Mitchell
Margaret Kerr
Peter Jackson
Hamish George Reid
Hugh & Flora Crawford
Hamish George Reid
Stewart Vernal
Mary Vernal
Robert Morrow
Jackie Green
Jackie Green
Colin Cassidy
Gillian Ward
Jackie Green
Cathy & Frank Elliot
James & Jean Thom
Margaret Hunter
Grambo Carmichael
Jean & Chic
Linda Paisley
Eleanor Hood
James McCusker
Paul McCusker
Paul mccusker
Margaret Boyd
Morreen Mcgregor
Grahame Kean
Maisie and Ian Scott
Gordon Telford
Catherine Kelly
Edith Baxter
James Stephenson
James mccambridge
Bridget Turner
Evelyn Connor
Derek Connor
Kenneth Macdonald
Wendy Baxter
Greta and Tommy Begg
Betty Lamont
Margaret Craig
Margaret Craig
Charlie Matthews
Joyce Beattie
Jim Deveney
Anne-Marie Higgins
Danny Millar
Betty & Bill Smith and Dorothy Thomas
Alistair McKenzie
May McKenzie
Claire Quinn
Evelyn John elaine
Boyd Halbert
Jean Johnston
Bert mullen
Mary and Robert McArthur
John Lauder
Gerald Taylor Nicholson
Robert Collins
Ian McKee
Ann Storer
Helen Robertson
Robert Chalmers
Matt Hepburn
Ann Storer
Marion Angell
Peter Wiggins
Patricia Beattie
Jeff Smith
Ian Cosh
Anne Wood
Billy Dundas
Alistair Patrick
Harry Wright
Jeanette Irvine
Hugh & Jenny Catterson
Alistair Haggarty
Winnie Walker
Rachel Teid
Brian Finnie
Bob Dunk
Alistair Woods
Alistair Woods
Moira McArdle
Stuart Kennedy
John Nilsson
Brian Murphy
Brian Murphy
Nana's and Papa's
Mary Johnston
Con de Lange
In memory of a wonderful son-in-law, family man, and gentleman who is remembered with fondness every day.
Alan and Fiona McGibbon

What is Light up a Life?

Remember and celebrate the life of someone special by sponsoring a star as part of our Light up a Life appeal. What better way to celebrate their lives than by joining with us to dedicate a star in our Hospice Starry Sky.

You can choose a star, and write a dedication (and include a photo if you wish) for the star in the sky.

After making a donation to the work of the Hospice, your star will be "born" and each and every star in the sky will represent a life - the life of someone special, someone missed.

Dedicate a star

Upload a photo of your loved one (optional).

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Write a message to remember your loved one

Please note information in fields marked ** will be visible on the website, if you are concerned about privacy please use nicknames etc

Make a donation to ACCORD Hospice

Your name **
Name of your loved one **
Relationship to loved one **
Message **
Email address
Donation amount
Gift aid

I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Accord Hospice that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008.

Please tell us how you want to hear from us. Your details are safe with us. We will never share you details with anyone else.

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